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做完戰勝聽力!107 國中會考英聽模擬題 Part 1,接下來是更具挑戰性的言談理解!傳授你一個小撇步,開始聽之前先快速瞄一下選項,了解問題是和什麼有關,例如「價錢」、「時間」、「地點」、「職業」、「情境推測」...,這樣在聽的時候也會比較容易知道重點在哪裡喔。第三大題 : 言談理解第 1 題(A) 2,300 dollars. .inline-ad { position: relative; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; }

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.innity-apps-reset { padding: 20px 0 0 !important; margin: -20px auto -10px !important; } (B) 3,200 dollars.(C) 6,400 dollars.第 2 題(A) At a stadium.(B) At a gym.(C) At a basketball court.第 3 題(A) It’s across from a flower shop.(B) It’s in Central Park. (C) It’s close to Central Park Station. 第 4 題(A) At about 6:30.(B) At about 7:00.(C) At about 7:30.第 5 題(A) She is a travel agent.(B) She is a tour guide.(C) She is a translator.第 6 題(A) She is having a history test. (B) She can’t find her textbook. (C) She doesn’t like the history class.第三大題答案及詳解第 1 題答案 : (B)音檔內容 :A: I’m so happy about this coat. I bought it online a few days ago. (這件大衣讓我好開心。幾天前我在網路上買的。)B: What good quality! It must have cost you a lot!(品質真好!這一定花妳很多錢!)A: Well, not really. It’s actually secondhand. I saw it at a department store for 6,400 dollars, but I got this one half price.(這個嘛,還好耶。它其實是二手的。我在一間百貨公司看到它是 6,400 元,但我這件拿到半價。)B: What a bargain! Can you tell me which site you bought it on?(好划算!妳可以告訴我妳在哪個網站上買的嗎?)A: Sure! I will send the link to you later.(當然!我待會把連結傳給你。)Question: How much did the coat cost?(問題 : 這件大衣多少錢?)關鍵句是 I saw it at a department store for 6,400 dollars, but I got this one half price.(我在一間百貨公司看到它是 6,400 元,但我這件拿到半價。)6,400 元的半價就是 3,200 元囉。聽力很常考數字,所以聽到價格時都要豎起耳朵喔! 第 2 題答案 : (A)音檔內容 :A: This is my first time at a real baseball game. I’m so excited!(這是我第一次看現場的棒球賽。我好興奮!)B: It’s totally different from just watching games on TV, isn’t it?(這和只從電視上看比賽完全不同,對吧?)A: Yeah, and the ticket is not as expensive as I thought it would be. By the way, how many times have you been to real games like this?(對啊,而且票沒有我想像中那麼貴。對了,妳來看像這樣的現場球賽幾次了?)B: Well, I guess more than 20. Most of the time I come with my dad. My mom and sister aren’t interested in sports. Look! It’s the cheerleading squad and the mascot. (這個嘛,我猜超過二十次。大多數的時候我都和我爸一起來。我媽和我妹對運動沒興趣。妳看!是啦啦隊和吉祥物。)Question: Where are the women?(問題 : 女人們在哪裡?) 從第一句 This is my first time at a real baseball game.(這是我第一次來看真的棒球賽。)就可以判斷出地點是在棒球場、大型體育場。Gym 是「健身房、體育館」,basketball court 是「籃球場」,都不是這裡的場景喔。 第 3 題答案 : (C)音檔內容 :A: Excuse me, miss. I’m looking for this art gallery, but I got lost.(不好意思,小姐。我在找這間美術館,但我迷路了。) B: Let me see...It’s less than a 10-minute walk from here, but it’s a bit hard to find for tourists since there aren’t many signs on the street. I suggest you take a taxi or bus number five going toward that direction, and get off at Central Park Station. The gallery is right next to a flower shop outside Central Park. (讓我看看...從這裡走路不用十分鐘就會到了,但這對觀光客來說有點難找,因為街上沒有很多指標。我建議你搭計程車,或往那個方向的五號公車,然後在「中央公園站」下車。美術館就在中央公園外面的花店旁邊。) A: Okay. Thanks for the information!(好的。謝謝妳提供的資訊!) B: Not a problem. Enjoy your stay in the city!(不用客氣。在這個城市好好玩吧!)Question: Where is the art gallery located?(問題 : 美術館位於哪裡?)在講要怎麼去某地點時,也要認真聽喔。關鍵句是這兩句:I suggest you take a taxi or bus number five going toward that direction, and get off at Central Park Station.(我建議你搭計程車,或往那個方向的五號公車,然後在「中央公園站」下車。)The gallery is right next to a flower shop outside Central Park.(美術館就在中央公園外面的花店旁邊。 )選項 (A) It’s across from a flower shop.(它在花店對面。)是錯的,應該是在花店「旁邊 (next to)」。選項 (B) It’s in Central Park.(它在中央公園裡面。)也是錯的,應該是在中央公園「外面 (outside)」。第 4 題答案 : (C)音檔內容 :A: Sally, aren’t you going on a date tonight? It’s almost 5:30. Why haven’t you started getting dressed?(Sally,妳今晚不是要去約會嗎?快五點半了。為什麼妳還不開始換衣服?) B: Yeah, John and I were planning to have dinner together at 6:00, but I just got a message from him saying that he is at the office now and might be about an hour and a half late.(對啊,John 和我本來計畫要六點一起吃晚餐,但我剛收到他傳來的訊息,說他現在在辦公室,而且可能會遲到約一個半小時。) A: Sounds awful. I can’t believe he has to work extra hours even on the weekend.(聽起來好慘。我不敢相信他甚至在週末都要加班。) B: Yeah. Poor John and me. I’m so hungry!(對啊。我和 John 好可憐喔。我好餓!) Question: What time will Sally meet her boyfriend tonight?(問題 : Sally 今晚幾點會和她男朋友碰面?) 重點句在 John and I were planning to have dinner together at 6:00, but I just got a message from him saying that he is at the office now and might be about an hour and a half late.(John 和我本來計畫要六點一起吃晚餐,但我剛收到他傳來的訊息,說他現在在辦公室,而且可能會遲到約一個半小時。) 原本是 6:00 要吃晚餐,但遲到一個半小時(one and a half hours),所以實際上要吃飯的時間是 7:30。第 5 題答案 : (B)音檔內容:A: Hello, Kate! How have you been? It’s been a while since the last time we met!(哈囉,Kate!妳最近過得如何?距離上次見面已經有好一陣子了。) B: I’ve been doing great. I love my new job! And you?(我很好。我超喜歡我的新工作!妳呢?) A: Great as well. I didn’t know you changed jobs. I thought you liked being a travel agent.(我也很好。我不知道妳換工作了。我以為你喜歡當旅行社人員。) B: Yeah, I did, but a friend of mine just started up a travel business and needs someone with experience in leading tours. Plus, you know I’m pretty talkative and love traveling to different places.(我喜歡啊,但我一個朋友剛開始一個旅行事業,需要有帶團經驗的人。而且,你知道我還頗愛跟人聊天,然後喜歡到不同的地方走走。)A: Sounds like the perfect job for you. Congratulations!(聽起來對你來說是個完美的工作。恭喜!)Question: What does Kate do now?(問題 : Kate 現在的工作是什麼?)從這裡可以知道以前原本是旅行社人員(travel agent),但已經換工作了: I didn’t know you changed jobs. I thought you liked being a travel agent.(我不知道你換工作了。我以為你喜歡當旅行社人員。)接著,從這裡可以推測新工作是導遊(tour guide):...needs someone with experience in leading tours. Plus, you know I’m pretty talkative and love traveling to different places.(...需要有帶團經驗的人。而且,你知道我滿喜歡說話的,而且喜歡到不同的地方。)第 6 題答案 : (B)音檔內容:A: Hey, Joyce. What happened?(嘿,Joyce。發生什麼事了?) B: Hello, Anna. Did you see my history textbook? I remember it was right here in my locker last week.(哈囉,Anna。妳有看到我的歷史課本嗎?我記得它上星期還在我的置物櫃裡啊。) A: No, I didn’t. Have you looked around the classroom yet?(沒有耶。妳有到教室看看了嗎?) B: Yeah, I have, but it wasn’t there. What should I do? History class is going to start in 10 minutes.(我有,但它不在那裡。我該怎麼辦呢?歷史課再過十分鐘就要開始了。) A: Is it possible that someone borrowed it from you to copy your notes?(有沒有可能有人跟你借來抄筆記?) B: Right! Peter borrowed it and said he would bring it to class today.(對耶!Peter 借走了,然後說他今天會帶來課堂上。) Question: What happened to Joyce?(問題 : Joyce 發生什麼事了?) 從這句 Did you see my history textbook?(你有看到我的歷史課本嗎?)就可以知道 Joyce 找不到她的課本囉!以下提供另外兩個選項的翻譯 : (A) She is having a history test.(她有個歷史測驗。)(C) She doesn’t like the history class.(她不喜歡歷史課。)以上六個題目大家做得如何呢?不懂的地方要趕快問老師,搞不好考試就出現類似的喔!考試前也可以到希平方網站多多磨練英文耳,而明年才要應戰的國二生,歡迎加入攻其不背的行列,打通英聽的任督二脈。希平方祝大家考試運旺旺!國中教育會考。聯合報系資料照/記者楊萬雲攝影 分享 facebook


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